THE CASINO GENERAL MANAGER – SYDNEY COLE, 50, fastidious and hates disorder. He’s heavy on the bravado with a hint of Andy Griffith. His position makes him feel important because he doesn’t look at it any differently than if he was working at Caesar’s Palace. He hopes to keep his reputation for keeping a tight ship, and that will help if he decides to move up to a bigger operation. Never married, Sydney dislikes anyone who doesn’t perform their job to the best of their ability. He’s all about schedules, he eats his meals at the same time every day, goes to bed at the same time, wakes up at the same time, and this order gives meaning to his life. He’s been working at the casino for ten years, well-liked, and knows all of his employee’s names as if they were his family. He’s the king of his own little world in the middle of nowhere, but to him it’s the most important job on earth.